If birthdays, holidays and special occasions like graduations or important life events leave you wondering what to get your favorite watch nerd or aspiring watch collector, then look no further. I have compiled a list of watch related presents and stocking stuffers that should fit a wide range of budgets. This Gift Giving Guide for Watch Collectors is a series of articles meant to get your creative juices flowing and help you consider the possibilities of what you can buy for your picky watch collector. It is written for the ones who do not know where to start looking for the special watch collector in their life. Parents, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, relatives… all might find a little insider advice helpful when the time comes to buy a present.
There are so many options on the internet that it is easy to get overwhelmed in a matter of a few clicks. You can buy watches, watch straps, watch tools, watch books or even a watch service. You can also give watch related presents that do not cost you a cent but are worth a fortune in sentimental value.
Because this is a such a vast subject and Iย cannot possibly cover it all in a concise article, I have created a new series on the Watch Hunter blog called the GIFT GIVING GUIDE. Each article will have several suggestions on what to buy and where to buy it. These various articles in the GIFT GIVING GUIDE will not necessarily tell you exactly which item to buy or how much the items cost because supply and demand can change these factors drastically in a short period of time. Pricing and availability can vary widely across the internet so it will be up to you to find the best fit for your budget. As always, do your own research on any online vendor and know if you are buying a watch with a manufacturer’s warranty or in-store warranty. Those subjects are beyond the scope of these articles so use common sense when buying.
This is a gigantic subject that watch collectors discuss all the time. If you know a watch collector, seek his or her advice on great present ideas. The main thing to remember about giving gifts is that gifts should have less to do about your personal tastes and more to do with what the gift recipient likes. Try to listen to what they tell you and pay attention to the details. It matters to watch collectors. If anyone reading this has additional suggestions for the best gifts to give to watch collectors, leave a comment and join the conversation. Happy gifting!
How to Buy Smartly
Give a Gift Certificate, Check or Cold Cash
If the present does not have to be a pre-bought item, then you can try the approach of giving a gift certificate or check. While that might seem impersonal, most watch collectors would not turn down a monetary gift to help them buy somethingย that they want and get to choose. This might be the safest use of your money because it can be difficult to predict what a watch collector likes. If you are not educated in the nuances of watch culture, buying a watch for another person could be a hit or miss ventureย unless you are really tuned in to the gift recipientโs tastes.ย Also, watch nerds often know the best places to buy watches and each individual knows what he or she likes best. The money can be put to best use in the hands of an “expert”. haha

Provide a Gift Receipt
Weโve all given and received gifts that were not the best fit. As a gift giver, the kind thing to do would be to include a gift receipt in case you and the recipient not exactly “on the same page”. If possible, take your ego out of the equation and put yourself in their shoes. If you got a present that you did not want and had the opportunity to trade it in for something else, wouldnโt you want to have that option? There is no shame in itโฆ so be kind and offer a gift receipt whenever possibleโฆ or just stick with the gift certificates.

Maximize Your Savings
A little research can go a long way to save you money and ensure that you are paying the best price for your presents. Many online stores give promo codes for subscribing to their newsletters. Wait for major sales during holidays or special promotions. Use online “coupon and promo code programs” to so that you know you are getting the lowest price.

Where to Buy Wristwatch-Related Presents
Picking the right place to buy your present is obviously important for such a potentially expensive item like a watch or watch accessory. Reward the best sellers with your business, and avoid the others. Look at online reviews or choose from reputableย sellers with a good track record. If you don’t know where to start, then refer to some of the trusted online stores in the links below. Make sure you understand shipping and return policies before you buy, especially if you are buying weeks or months in advance.
Consider Buying the Gift in a "Real Store"
It might be rarer to go to an actual watch store these days, but this is still an option for many people who have one close by. Personally, I have an aversion to paying full retail on anything so I cannot say that I would necessarily do this, but people with a serious budget who want to give the gift recipient the full boutique experience could consider this option. I cannot fully recommend this if you are on a budget because things could get awkward if your recipient chooses a present that costs more than your intended budget.
Depending on how disciplined or transparent you can be with your recipient, you can give them a not-to-exceed budget and make an adventure out of it. Just make sure to include tax in your calculations because 7%+ extra can add up quickly. Most gift givers will avoid this situation because they lose control of their budget and might feel pressure to buy something more expensive than intended. This is not for everyone.

Buy from Popular Online Watch Stores
A better alternative for many people is to buy watches and watch accessories online where transparency and price comparisons are easier. Honestly, brick-and-mortar stores cannot compete with a virtual store that is likely a warehouse tied to an e-commerce platform. Theย savings of not having to pay for a retail space are often passed along the buyers. There is a wide range of budgets out so you will need to seek out your comfort zone of how much you want to spend.
Google, Amazon, and eBay (among other e-commerce options) are great places to hunt, but they can be confusing. Instead, you might want to check out online stores that cater to the watch collecting community that have a long track record of making great products. Many of these online vendors will likely be known to your gift recipient. Make sure to check out the list of GIFT GIVING GUIDE:ย The Best Online Watch Stores.ย (coming soon!)

What to Buy Watch Enthusiasts
Letโs face itโฆ buying watches can be expensive and therefore out of reach for many gift givers. If they are not used to what these little gadgets can cost, then sticker shock is sure to happen. Most watch collectors would rather not have a cheapo watch for a gift that is poorly made. It would likely sit in a box until it can be quietly disposed of in the future or traded to another watch collector. This puts a lot of gift-givers in a quandary of how to give a watch-related present to their favorite watch collector.
Buy Watch Straps and Accessories
One popular option is to give accessories like new watch straps or bracelets that gives pre-owned watches a new custom look. While watch straps can also seem incredibly expensive for what you are getting, they would universally be considered more affordable than buying a watch. There are a lot of options available and a little knowledge on the gift giverโs part is important such as the lug width of the recipientโs watch. This space between the lugs (aka the extended part of a watch that the strap connects to) is measured in millimeters. Because strap fitment can become technical, this might be a great situation for a gift certificate to an online strap seller.

Buy Watch Maintenance Tools
Many watch collectors like to tinker with their watches. In order to do the job correctly, they must have specialized tools designed for each task. Using the improper tool can lead to ugly damage to the watch. Basic kits can include a spring bar changing tool or tool used to size bracelets. Other tools can enhance the enjoyment of a watch like a UV flashlight to make the lume glow or a magnifying loupe to see the watch enlarged in great detail. Make sure to check out the GIFT GIVING GUIDE:ย Best Watch Tool Gifts for Watch Collectors.ย (coming soon!)

Consider Buying Watch Storage
Many watches come with great display cases that can serve as storage for a watch on a nightstand or dresser. If your watch collector has more than one watch and a pile of accessories, then you might consider gifting him or her with a watch box. These take up less room than a row of OEM display boxes and perhaps are a better use of space. There are different kinds available from affordable display cases, to single watch winders to more elaborate cabinets.

Buy Watch Rolls
Some people always seem to be on the go and these watch collectors might love to receive a watch roll as a present. I know some collectors who do not have watch display boxes at all and store everything in high-end leather watch rolls. Consider the watch rolls as a wallet for watches and a discreet way to carry a number of watches safely, usually in a shoulder bag, suitcase or backpack.ย The Best Watch Rolls and Portable Watch Cases for Watch Collectors.ย (coming soon!)

Buy Portable Watch Cases
Another gift idea for these collectors is a watch case that is designed to be taken with them. These designs don’t have display window and include bump protection, extra security and sometimes a handle. Unlike the stationary hinged watch boxes, these watch briefcases can be carried vertically with spilling the contents onto the ground. There are other semi-rigid options for single travel cases and multiple travel cases that make traveling with a few watches safer. Make sure to check out the article The Best Watch Rolls and Portable Watch Cases for Watch Collectors.ย (coming soon!)

Consider Buying Watch Collecting Books
Even in todayโs internet age, books are still a great source of education and enjoyment for watch collectors. Before watch blogs and forums, the traditional printed medium was the only way to learn about obscure watch brands. product information, photos, and history. Info found in these books does not exist on the internet today or has disappeared. Having a good collection of watch books is a great gift idea to give to watch collectors. From how-to advice books, to brand specialty books to stunning coffee table books, there is surely a printed book worth searching for. If you know what brand your watch collector likes, then start by browsing an online book retailer like Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Otherwise, check out a few popular selections from the article GIFT GUIDE: The Best Books for Watch Collectors. (coming soon!)

Pay for a Watch Repair or Service
Offering to pay to get a watch serviced or repaired might make any watch collector light up with joy. However, be aware that this can be a very expensive and unpredictable venture. You might want to pay the gift recipient with a set amount of money to help with the service bill instead of paying for the whole thing. This makes it easier to budget as a giver and the recipient knows what to expect. Just be crystal clear about the amount of money you intend to spend . Empahsize that any extra will have to be paid by the owner of the watch. This would be considered an advanced gift so it should not be undertaken lightly.

What to Give Instead of Buying
Give a Personal Keepsake
This gift suggestion is tricky because everybody will have varying tastes in watches, especiallyย if the giver and receiver are generations apart. Some people are sentimental and others are not. Some people like the newest technology and others prefer vintage watches. Some people will appreciate a personal gift and others may see if as a disappointment. Before you attempt this gift to a watch collector, think about how you think it will be received. This might prevent hurt feelings or unexpected reactions.
I can easily debate both sides of this argument, but the bottom line is that it depends on the recipient. For an argument against giving a watch, please read Theย Myth of Passing Heirloomย Watches to Our Children. If you think that the meaning will be lost on a gift recipient, then consider buying one of the other presents suggested on this page. In the end, you have to decide who will cherish your special watch.ย This gift giving option has PROS and CONS so make sure to check out the article: GIFT GIVING GUIDE: Giving Your Own Wristwatch as a Sentimental Gift.
I wish I could say that there is no such thing as a bad gift, but you know that’s optimistic. Buying a watch collector, or any hobbyist, something related to their collecting interests is always potentially dangerous. Know your audience before making a purchase and above all, don’tย necessarily impose your tastes on another person. Remember, the present if for them, not you. When in doubt, surprise them with honesty and let them in on the plan. Or let them pick out the gift. At the very least, be a pal and put a gift receipt in the box. ย It might save everyone some headaches. Good luck finding the perfect gift.