Regular readers of WatchHunter Blog might have been wondering where are all the new watch articles for the past month or so are. This blog is a one-man operation so if anything big happens to me, then the writing takes a back seat to events in my life. In February, I had two major things happen. One involved spinning my sports car on cold tires and the crunching sound thatย followed, but the bigger event was the unexpected death of my mother, Carol Austin Hughes, and it rocked me to my core. This is not something that you recover from quickly, nor do I want to. My Mom was not only an amazing person, she was my good friend. I will never laugh like I did with her again, and I miss her dearly. I spoke at her memorialย service and video can be found on YouTube.

My Mom was a reader of this blog. Even if she was not a hardcore watch fanatic, she appreciated that I am. She liked the stories and history behind the watches that I would write about, and she liked that I had found a passion that I could share with the rest of the world. As the dust starts to settle, and I try to get back to a sense of normalcy, I will begin writing again. I have a lot toย talk about and look forward to getting back to the comfort of my mind space. Until then, thank you for the support. I appreciateย it.